Sunday, February 19, 2012

Post Zero

Here goes...
A blog, has been in my mind for a while now, in fact, ever since I was introduced to blogging. As is the case for most of us, there has been an umpteen and one hindrances to writing one. Well, why bore you with what is passed, here we are, and that's all that matters.

A short introduction to my blog:
This blog is not about computers, it's not about philosophy or politics... But it's best to say that this blog is about all of it. This will not be the day to day blog of computer tech trivia, or some deep discussion about the philosophical aspects of life and world. But simply, this is just a dumb guy's view on the environment he occupies, which has a LOT to do with computers...

Confusing, I know. But bear with me. Stick around, think a bit, and be ... well... you won't be surprised...