The Terminators had a 'neural net processor' as their brains, that allowed them to learn and reason as humans do. I was just fourteen at the time, and I had barely heard of what a neuron was. And well, it wasn't really catchy back then.
Oddly enough, the damaged and recovered chip from the first Terminator movie looked rather delicious |
About five years later, I found out that it's actually a thing...
After spending a couple of years trying to understand what a neural network is, following multiple online courses, and reading a big book, I decided it should be better studied once I was better versed in statistics and intelligent systems. Now that it's partly true, I thought I should help anyone who might be looking for a simple explanation of what a neural network is to get a quick helicopter view of what all the fuzz is about.
The Human Brain
Probably one of the most remarkable outcomes of natural selection and evolution, the human brain is a system of co-existing organisms called 'neurons' that form the ultimate problem solving system. It is comprised of a large number of neurons ( somewhere around twenty billion of them, 20,000,000,000 in digits...) of an average human being. Various animals have various numbers of neurons in their central information processing area, which is dubbed the brain. However, there are animals with no "brain" and yet a system that acts on and reacts to the environment (Spongebob for instance).
Probably a gift from Plankton |
The brain, as I said is made of the basic cells known as Neurons. The neurons are specialized in dealing in electrochemical signals which are passed from one neuron to another using a system called synapses. A neuron has two categories of .... arm like thingies that allow the reception and transmission of those electrical signals: One long arm called the axon, which is analogous to an 'output' and a bunch of input tentacles known as dendrites. The following diagram which I took from the internet is a simple enough representation of this (thank the owner... :) )
While it is open for scientific debate as I heard, the common belief, at least as far as computer scientists are concerned , of how a neuron functions is, that when it receives input signals from their dendrites, each input signal is multiplied by a 'weight' given to each dendrite (actually, I'm guessing some kind of natural amplification of the signal happens according to the size and composition of each dendrite ) and summed. Only if the resulting charge / current exceeds a certain threshold value , the axon is triggered to give an output. We can easily see how this could be the case by how we have heard the brain cells create and break connections when we were children and were learning really really fast. So basically, the 'information' in our brains are made of these electrical signals, and by making and breaking new connections the 'learning' of information happens - which is basically a correction of electrical charges to fit the information and a standard/metric.
An Artificial Neuron - Trying to mimic the brain
Given the advanced power of information processing shown by the natural neural networks (even a dust-mite is more 'intelligent' than our smartest cognitive systems ) it is only a matter of time before we tried to exploit it in our artificial systems. For this the basic abstraction of the neuron is of great importance. Here's how it goes.
An artificial neuron(a.k.a a perceptron ) , not much unlike the natural counterpart, consists of a set of inputs(dendrites) and an output(axon). Each input then has a weight attached to it. We can define a vector for these weights (let's be a bit imaginative and call it the weight vector) - w. Now suppose we gather all the inputs (let's say we have k inputs) and put them in another vector i . I will try to use a diagram to make it a bit more clear...
Here, i stands for the input vector of the form i = a u + b v + c x + d y where u,v,x,y are unit vectors and each w stands for a component of the weight vector... |
Now we see that the output is a function of the input. This is called in neural network terminology, an activation function. In a linear perceptron (we'll only talk about this particular kind of simple perceptrons for the moment...), this is typically defined as follows.
1 for w.i > t for some scalar threshold value t
f( i ) =
0 otherwise
As you can see, we fire an output of a binary 1 if the scalar product of the input vector and the weight vector is larger than some threshold value, which is a step activation function (also please note that there are continuous functions which can operate as an activation function, such as a sigmoid function or a logistic function bar the threshold) . So this is how we mimic a neuron in a program.
The Network
Now it comes down to networking each of these functional neurons. As you can see, there are several parameters that we have to decide in a neuron, namely, the weight vector (value of each component of the weight vector, or actually, the weights of each input), the activation function, the threshold value and the dimensionality of the weight vector (the number of inputs per neuron). In fact, you can see that the output is dependent on these parameters, and by changing these values, we can change the behavior of a neuron to an input. Next comes the point where each of these neurons are connected to form a network.
There are many intricate types of neural networks. The simplest of them are called a 'feed-forward network'. As the name suggests, what it does is, it keeps pushing the signals forward in a network till it is put out in an output. (There are much more complicated and dynamic neural networks, and some pretty interesting derivations of them such as Self-Organizing-Maps, or Growing-Self-Organizing-Maps. Refer to Kohonen's neural networks and work by Prof. Damminda Alahakoon if you are interested).
Let's take a simple feed forward network. It is going to look something like this.
Suppose you have two separate inputs and you want to classify them as 0 or 1 according to the input. Then the simplest neural network or this learning purpose is shown as above. From the left, two inputs come to the green neurons. And the outputs of that layer (actually a bidimensional vector) is fed into each neuron in the magenta layer. Lastly, the outputs of the magenta layer is fed to the black layer, which is the output. We usually tend to use the same activation function and the threshold in each of the neurons, however, the weights of the neurons will depend on the output.
Firstly, we feed what we call a training data set into the network. Here, the inputs are fed, and the outputs are taken at the initial configuration of the network (with random input arm weights and a user-defined number of layers/ inputs per neuron). Then we get the output. In the training data, we will have the expected output as well. Now, we calculate using some metric, the accuracy of the predictions. Now, typically, we will have a high rate of error from the expected and found values. Now we use some kind of a state-space-search to find a configuration of the network (typically, we only change the weight of the input arms, not the activation function or the number of neurons ) that would lower the error. Then we use this new configuration to get the new errors, and change the configuration again! This goes on for a while till we find some configuration that we're happy with.
Here, there are some things that we ought to be mindful about. First of all, we have to figure out a way to get some kind of a feel about how many neurons we need for the network, the number of layers or even the number of inputs per neuron. I honestly am quite new to the field so I am yet to find out any rules-of-thumb defining these. Also, there's the omnipresent issue of overfitting the training data! We must also have some kind of an idea about just how much data we feed it to train it!
The state-space-search that I mentioned earlier can take many forms. One of my favorites is using a genetic algorithm, but we can use a simulated annealing search as well. Usually it's good not to get stuck at a local optimum of a solution, so I prefer the above two. And if we use genetic algorithms, not only can we manipulate the input weights, but the other parameters like the number of neurons as well. But one thing is for sure, that it will take a very, very, very long time to train a neural network to a specific problem.
Usually, neural networks are resilient to noisy data and outliers rarely screw it up. However, given the complexity of things, the Skynet and the Terminators are as of yet, a mere dream!
Please leave your comments below, and have a merry time with trying to code a neural network.. :D
The Network
Now it comes down to networking each of these functional neurons. As you can see, there are several parameters that we have to decide in a neuron, namely, the weight vector (value of each component of the weight vector, or actually, the weights of each input), the activation function, the threshold value and the dimensionality of the weight vector (the number of inputs per neuron). In fact, you can see that the output is dependent on these parameters, and by changing these values, we can change the behavior of a neuron to an input. Next comes the point where each of these neurons are connected to form a network.
There are many intricate types of neural networks. The simplest of them are called a 'feed-forward network'. As the name suggests, what it does is, it keeps pushing the signals forward in a network till it is put out in an output. (There are much more complicated and dynamic neural networks, and some pretty interesting derivations of them such as Self-Organizing-Maps, or Growing-Self-Organizing-Maps. Refer to Kohonen's neural networks and work by Prof. Damminda Alahakoon if you are interested).
Let's take a simple feed forward network. It is going to look something like this.
This simple feed-forward net has three neural layers. The output from each layer is fed as input into the layer in front. |
Suppose you have two separate inputs and you want to classify them as 0 or 1 according to the input. Then the simplest neural network or this learning purpose is shown as above. From the left, two inputs come to the green neurons. And the outputs of that layer (actually a bidimensional vector) is fed into each neuron in the magenta layer. Lastly, the outputs of the magenta layer is fed to the black layer, which is the output. We usually tend to use the same activation function and the threshold in each of the neurons, however, the weights of the neurons will depend on the output.
Firstly, we feed what we call a training data set into the network. Here, the inputs are fed, and the outputs are taken at the initial configuration of the network (with random input arm weights and a user-defined number of layers/ inputs per neuron). Then we get the output. In the training data, we will have the expected output as well. Now, we calculate using some metric, the accuracy of the predictions. Now, typically, we will have a high rate of error from the expected and found values. Now we use some kind of a state-space-search to find a configuration of the network (typically, we only change the weight of the input arms, not the activation function or the number of neurons ) that would lower the error. Then we use this new configuration to get the new errors, and change the configuration again! This goes on for a while till we find some configuration that we're happy with.
Here, there are some things that we ought to be mindful about. First of all, we have to figure out a way to get some kind of a feel about how many neurons we need for the network, the number of layers or even the number of inputs per neuron. I honestly am quite new to the field so I am yet to find out any rules-of-thumb defining these. Also, there's the omnipresent issue of overfitting the training data! We must also have some kind of an idea about just how much data we feed it to train it!
The state-space-search that I mentioned earlier can take many forms. One of my favorites is using a genetic algorithm, but we can use a simulated annealing search as well. Usually it's good not to get stuck at a local optimum of a solution, so I prefer the above two. And if we use genetic algorithms, not only can we manipulate the input weights, but the other parameters like the number of neurons as well. But one thing is for sure, that it will take a very, very, very long time to train a neural network to a specific problem.
Usually, neural networks are resilient to noisy data and outliers rarely screw it up. However, given the complexity of things, the Skynet and the Terminators are as of yet, a mere dream!
Please leave your comments below, and have a merry time with trying to code a neural network.. :D
Nice article